Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Making my way downtown, walking FAST.

Faces past and I'm homebound... dunananananana dun dun dun dunanananana

time for a .....


Ok I promise never to do THAT again!
but R is the letter of the week this week, so use it in all those words that contain or preferably start with the letter R, to show your appreciation of this glorious double limbed casual standing, weight on one foot 'O'.

What's on the agenda today?

SPEED! - or velocity, what ever.

 Yea I know it seems mundane at first - I mean, even as I write this - I am not even moving right?
WRONG! (or is it?)
technically I am moving because the earth is rotating!
The earth has a circumference of ~40,000 km , which if I was at the around the equatorish, would mean I would be travelling at roughly 1600 km/h! (less as you travel towards the poles of course)

thats 4 m/s FASTER than the speed of sound - which is 340m/s

so I am in fact moving incredibly fast - so are you, BUT this is irrelevent!

The EARTH rotates around the SUN, it takes ~365 days (screw leap years) to travel 150,000,000 km!

that's 17123 km/h !!!
 or 4760 m/s!

that's also known as freaken fast!

The sun is orbiting the centre of the milky way galaxy! (kinda floating around a super massive black hole just casually) , this takes approximately 220-250 million years to complete a circuit, speed varies but on average your looking at
220,000 m/s
that is REALLY FAST.

(It is however well known that velociraptor's could travel faster that this.)

-UNFORTUNATELY this is not as impressive as I have built it up to be....

Earths diametre is 12,756,000 m - so relative to the centre of the galaxy - its only moving a whole of itself (what I like to call an "earth step") approximately once a minute. which seems disappointingly slow - that or the earth is waybigger than I actually imagine it is.

Additionally, all this SPEED is relative, according to the centre of the galaxy, I am the one who is moving really fast, and according to me, the galaxy is the one who is breaking the sound barrier - what does this mean? well, it gets complicated.
in fact scientists had a hard time trying to explain how anything actually moved at all for a long time - it didn't make sense, was one object moving away from the other or was it the other way round?
Luckily that smarty pants called Einstein came along and solved the problem for us with his theory on relativity and how time is also wrapped up in this delicious cake of a problem.

If you want to get a little taste of how Einstein did this - I highly recommend looking at this video! (quick I promise!)
Most of all
    - have a good Reek (I lied!)

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