Tuesday, 3 July 2012

This weeks Random Wicked Weekly Wednesday Fact of the Week!

What's on the agenda this time?

Take a look at this image, it's is a lovely example of something that is - Silly. (Silly is also this weeks word) 

Did you know, that you have a nerve, that travels down your neck, underneath your aortic arch (just a heart artery thing), and then back up your neck to terminate (at the Larynx) a few centimetres away from where it originated?

Ya wanna know what's even funnier - all the other animals - er well vertebrates... have it too!!!
This means that Giraffes are not only silly because they are tall and drink like dorks, but also because of their
"Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve" Which literally travels approximately 4.57 metres (yea that's right, metric system first!) or 15 feet to get to a place that was a few centimetres from where it started!  Silly!
Ya wanna know what else? Because Dinosaurs are vertebrates - they would of had it too! Which means that Sauropods like Brachiosaurus would of had incredibly long recurrent nerves - which is - Even Sillier!

A real Brachiosaurus that I keep for occasions like this.
Wanna know more science about Laryngeal nerves?
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recurrent_laryngeal_nerve  - Boom wikipedia link.

Thanks for stopping by and remember to use the word Silly - preferably in italics - until it looks weird to read and looses its meaning.

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